Counterfeit handbags can most often be found on online stores or small, unbranded online stores. Counterfeit bags also enter into the second-hand market, making it harder to tell the real pieces from the fakes. That’s where HOUSTON PAWN come in, examining each item, looking for signs of copycat manufacturing.

Here are things you can do to verify genuine luxury bags for yourself.

Ways to Distinguish a Luxury Handbag from a Counterfeit

1. The stitching is impeccable.

Luxury handbag brands take pride in their work and with the fine details. These bags will always have straight, even lines of stitching, with no loose threads or imperfections.

2. The lettering is ALWAYS consistent.

The lettering on a luxury bag will always be perfect with the right stamps, materials, and tools to make a clean, level imprint every time. Each letter is the same size, and evenly spaced. The precision with which this is done is tough for knock-offs to absolutely imitate and will often produce off-center text and inconsistent spacing and sizing. 

Even with the best counterfeit handbags, it may still be possible to find the knock-offs by focusing on the font. The exact curve of the letters, the angle of each point, and the precise thickness of each line, is nearly impossible to copy. 

3. The materials are matching.

Materials will never vary on a luxury bag. The chain links, emblem, buckles, and buttons will all be the same metal with the same level of polish. In some cases, the internal lining will be the give-away. While two pieces of cloth may have the same pattern, one may be noticeably a different shade than the other due to cheap techniques. In some cases, a counterfeiter will spend time on the look of the emblem but use a generic pull tab for the zipper. When comparing one material to another and a noticeable difference is apparent, this is a sure sign of a knock-off.

4. Plastic is NOT used.

The materials used in luxury bags are always high-quality, generally a combination of leather, fabric, and precious metals. Plastic will never be used in a genuine top-brand bag. The most common places where plastic is used for knock-offs is the zipper.

5. Genuine luxury bags have symmetry.

Difficult to replicate is the overall aesthetic of a genuine luxury item. Perhaps the corners aren’t quite as rounded, or the pattern doesn’t start at quite the right place. Look over the finer details to see if they truly match. Some counterfeits look sloppy, while others do not come up the standards of the original.

6. There are no flakes or dents in the metal.

All luxury bags are made of high quality materials. Counterfeiters often use cheaper metals with gold or silver to save money, which eventually chips or loses its luster. Using the right materials and manufacturing techniques, the metals in a genuine luxury bag are of high quality.

7. Polished metals have an unmistakable glow.

While certain luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton sometimes use duller metals for a historical touch, most emblems, buttons, and zippers are polished to the point of radiance. The result causes awe, and also protects the metal from tarnish. Counterfeits may have polished metals, but seldom to the same degree.

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